Detailed Life Reading

A detailed life reading is a special report that focuses on a certain time in your life, like 5, 10, or 15 years. It helps you learn about events, chances, and problems during that time. Our astrologer makes this report just for you by looking closely at your birth chart and other important details.

How is it made?

The report is made using Vedic prediction methods. The astrologer looks closely at your birth chart, the dasa system, and the planetary transits during the years you choose. They study major & minor dasa periods before making the report by hand. The report talks about many things, like your job, marriage, love life, money, and health.

What’s in the report? 

  • Your general outlook & approach in life
  • Your health in the next 5, 10, or 15 years
  • Important years in your life
  • How the 9 planets affect different parts of your life
  • An overview & specific indications of how your next 5, 10 or 15 years will be
  • Break down of next 5, 10 or 15 years & predictions of trends in career, finances, married life and health during these sub-periods.

Why should you get a detailed life reading?

A detailed life reading is helpful when you want to know more about yourself and what will happen in the future. It answers questions about your job, love life, marriage, money, kids, health, and any surprises. The report helps you understand your life better and know what to expect.

Order Here

5 Year Report

10 Year Report

15 Year Report

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Second Step

After payment, submit the form by filling the details.Note- Please pay attention to fill your correct details.

Third Step

You will receive your report by email in 2 to 3 working days.